Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Have I been under a rock?

Today I realized how different things have become in our household and its a little sad. Since August Garrett has stopped sucking his thumb, carrying around his blankies, asking for his blankies, even remembering his blankies, cuddling with me each afternoon and sneaking into my bed in the middle of the night. If he wakes up while I am on the treadmill or showering he puts a movie in instead of the crying and whining for me that he used to do. He even buckles himself into the booster seat and dresses himself. I can't believe my little snuggler is becoming so independent. I'm proud of him growing up but thinking about it makes me feel depressed. Soon he will be going through the kindergarten screening and moving out of being a preschooler.

I can't believe how Robyn has changed either. She no longer wants to watch cartoons or to admit that she likes Polly Pocket. She is missing her front two teeth and is now getting embarrassed when I walk into the school to get her at the end of the day. She likes me to help in her class at least. She is also extremely embarrassed by my music and my dancing. Can I help it if she isn't as much fun or as cool as me? She is singing in the school variety show tomorrow and I'm excited for her. She has great confidence and isn't worried about it at all.

Why are my kids so independent and confident while I'm turning into an emotional wreck? I have to get past this before a baby itch starts. Doug has already turned me down in the baby department earlier this year because all he can think about is a trip to Disney next April. For anyone that knows him, yes, his addiction to Disney Vacation Planning is getting worse. He consistently checks Disney for package deals and direct flights and is worried about getting the Cinderella breakfast scheduled. I have never seen anything like this before. I guess its good, I just want to know a week ahead of time so I don't excited too early.


KC said...

I so know this feeling..
Have you ever heard the song by Mark Harris "Find Your Wings" There is a part in it that says "I'll have tears as you take off but I'll cheer as you fly" that explains it really well. Happy that they are growing into such wonderful people but sad to see you baby growing.
OH and by the way.. my kids aren't as cool as me either LOL LOL :)

Rachel said...

Wow...I guess I have some interesting things to look forward too.

palmtreefanatic said...

well they do grow quickly and pass from stage to stage...

Disney will be fun, I think we try to get there every 5 yrs?

Have a great day!

palmtreefanatic said...

well they do grow quickly and pass from stage to stage...

Disney will be fun, I think we try to get there every 5 yrs?

Have a great day!