Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thankful Thursday!

Yesterday was our anniversary and we had an interesting day. We have been trying to get this house for about a month now. The sellers finally signed the agreement on the 15th but it was already set to be auctioned tomorrow at 9. We don't have the option to buy it there. They did not tell us that it was this close to auction when we put the offer in and they were really dragging their feet every step of the way on this like a realtor was trying to buy it at auction and flip it. Anyway Doug was on the phone all morning trying to stop the auction. Finally he got a call around 12 from our realtor telling us that the auction was stopped and for him to stop making calls. The realtor laughed and said he must have put a fire under someone. I think someone got caught stalling. We checked on it around 3 and apparently it isn't officially stopped yet but our realtor says it is. So we don't know whats going on with our house yet.

While all that was going on I was doing laundry and the washer broke. Doug had to come down and try to fix it. It didn't work so we dropped the kids off at Doug's sister's house and went out and bought a new washer.

After that the day was much better. We got on the motorcycle and went to the new Casa Fiesta for dinner and picked up a movie on our way home. It was the most relaxing night we have had in a while and it was amazing considering the day we had.

Once again, I just have to laugh because I know we are being tested.


Alex said...

I'm so glad you got the house!! I'm still sad you are leaving, it's hard to see a friend move. :( But, I'm so happy that it seems like you guys are making some progress and you even got a new washer. haha! Glad your annivesary was good, too!!!

palmtreefanatic said...

Glad it all worked out!