Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Weary Wednesday

I've been so busy I haven't had time to blog. On Monday morning Doug woke up in a lot of pain and had to go to the dentist. It turns out that he needed a root canal and had that Tuesday morning. Today he woke up and is very nauseaous and tired.

We had a snow day on Monday so the kids were home. I've been working 12 hours a day the last two days since we are traveling for a short trip to visit my parents. I'm not even packed yet and I'm leaving soon!

My sweet hubby came home with a laptop yesterday after his root canal. We had been talking about getting one since I'm working on the computer so much and ours was slowing down. I got it all set up and using it now!!!

I have to go feed Garrett lunch, get on my weekly ops conference call and pack as long as Doug is feeling better.


The Edwards said...

WOW Girl Friend! Sorry to hear about Doug. Let me know I have most really GOOD drugs...
TO excited to hear of your laptop, I love mine. SAFE travels,
Merry Christmas to you GUYS!

KC said...

Ouch Ouch poor Doug.. You sound really busy. Have fun at your parents
Merry Christmas

Michelle P said...

Have fun on your trip....Merry Christmas!