Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Our Actions

I am still thinking about a sermon that I heard on Sunday so I thought I would share it. We visited our old church because the kids were begging to see their relatives, old friends and teachers. They have a new pastor and his message was great.

The sermon talked about how our conduct is related to our expectations. He used the example of the wisemen that set out following a star and found a shack. Is that what you expect when you set out to see a king? He also used the example from A Christmas Story where the boy wanted a red rider bb gun and got a pink bunny suit. I started to think about the times when I'm the most frustrated and angry and he was right. In every instance I'm expecting things from myself and other people that are not always possible. Now that I have heard this I'm going to try and apply it by looking at my expectations before I react.

I did not EXPECT Garrett to make this face when I took the picture.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh how true! That is something I think about a lot. What a nice face Garett! HA! Merry Christmas!