Monday, July 09, 2007

Another Christian!

I have been addicted to Fox News lately. I don't know why but I can watch it for hours at a time or just check in with it during the day. Last week I saw Brian Welch on there. He was the guitarist from Korn. I used to like Korn in my earlier days so I was interested. It turns out that he has turned his life around and quit the band and drugs and found God. He said he had been searching for something and just showed up at church one day. He prayed that if God was real that he would get him off the drugs. Within a week he was through with the drugs and has never been the same since. The other great part of this is that he has a daughter and now she knows the Lord through him. I love when celebrities talk about this because it reaches so many people. This is where you can find the video clip He has a book coming out called Save Me From Myself: How I Found God, Quit Korn, Kicked Drugs, and Lived To Tell My Story.


MOPS said...

WOW! Isn't it amazing what GOD does!

Michelle P said...

I watched that today...WoW! What a testimony of what Jesus does for people! I hope a lot of his fans watched that